Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Tuff Guy

 I told you in my last "Thankful" post I'd explain this special teddy.
I'll start with the quilt.
It was homemade 
and given to me by my  mother when I was having my first baby
It's so special because it was home made for her
when she was having my little brother Luke Jordan
You can read his story here(click on those words)
close up the picture and you can see the detail, 
our neighbors made this for Luke.
As I remember it,
 a few neighbors put their talents together and each did some of it
It is very thick and very warm and very special.
I used to sneak in my mom's room and take out her box of Luke stuff
 and smell it
along with this teddy bear.
This is the bear I talk about in Luke's story

I have not seen this bear since I was a kid, sneaking and smelling him.
Remembering my baby brother.
Wondering why it had to be him and not me.

 My mom wrapped this 31 year old teddy up and gave him to Simeon for his birthday!
(I'm sure with tears of her own) 
I instantly teared up when I saw it, my mom giving my baby something so special.
She said she'd wanted to give it to him for a long time.
You see, he's our "Tough Guy" because of all he's gone through.
He's our hero
(as was Luke and all he's gone through)
Luke is a different hero now,
He's a Saint in heaven

I'm not usually that sentimental,
but these,
these got me.
I think of the comfort this teddy brought not only me, but my mom
when mourning the loss of her baby boy
A pain so unimaginable.
 A love so deep
Thank you mom, your gift and sacrifice means so very much! 


  1. Thanks for making smile and cry. What a special gift for such a special gift. Thank you for sharing.

  2. You are going to get everyone crying today! So very touching . . .

  3. Typing through tears, Jamie. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful story.

  4. What a sweet and touching story. And what wonderfully special gifts that I know you will treasure. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I'm so glad I found you!

    1. Thanks Liz--yes, I do treasure them, and someday his wife will too!

      So glad I found you too.

  5. What a beautiful story Jamie. I have often wondered what my kids have gone through since losing their brother. The hardest thing was telling my children that their brother had died. That I couldn't make him better. We have a "Ben" box with some special things of his.

    1. Jenny--my mom never really talked with us, my advice as a sibling losing a sibling, is talk to your kids. (which I'm sure you have) Make sure they know that it is God's will that they are here and that Ben is the saint in heaven for a reason. That they have purpose. I think I always felt that God had made a mistake or something. (til I was grown up and had kids of my own)

  6. So very precious. Your brother is one of the those heart babies that I have such a love for. Heart babies are unique fighters. They seam to know God on such a real level. No matter how long or short their lives are they share God's love with the world by just being! Your brother's story is one of God's love in the family. You loved him so much as a 13 year old. That is so wonderful. Thank you for sharing and I love the bear. I am sure that Little Red knows his saintly uncle. My Morgan (Possible) had open heart surgery at years old and has vivid memories of her brother Declan taking her to the park and playing with her while he body was in surgery. Declan was her brother that I never held but miscarried before I got pregnant with her. I know God let Declan come to keep her company when no one else could. With all Simeon's surgeries I bet your brother has been there with him constantly.

    1. Oh, my gosh Neen--what a story. What a miracle for Morgan to see her brother in heaven. I wonder, if my Simeon had his uncle Luke and also my Gabriel (miscarriage) with him during his surgeries. Wow, cried through your whole beautiful. Such comfort too.

  7. Oh, Jamie, I have mascara all over my face now- what a beautiful, beautiful, touching story. I love that healing comes even now. Simeon is now going to have this treasure as he gets older and you will have it as a reminder of the toughness and tenacity that runs through your family.

    Thank you for sharing this with us, Jamie~

    1. So true Shelly--and a treasure he will have to give to his children someday too.

  8. Beautiful story, Jamie. Glad I had time to catch up today.

    1. Always happy to see your bright smiling face Suzie!

  9. This is such a sweet gesture from your mom. Your family is blessed and watched over by your brother. Very touching story..thank you so much for sharing. My mascara is a mess too.

  10. Hi Jamie! Very touching story about your brother. Those little saints in heaven are so great to have in your corner when you need help. I have four nephews up there who I call on frequently. Sorry I haven't commented in a while, but you and Simeon have been in my prayers. So happy he is making progress and getting through these tough times! If you could keep my twins in your prayers I would appreciate it. They had kidney issues at birth that have now become a problem again.

  11. I just read the story about Luke. How very sad. and yet beautiful that your Mother was able to give Simeon that little part of your brother. He has an amazing gift from his Uncle in Heaven that he will cherish forever. God Bless your brother.

  12. Very sweet, and what a huge blessing! It made me tear up...

  13. Oh yeah, you definitely have me crying. I had no idea Jamie, what a story!

  14. I have never heard the story of your baby brother before and was brought to complete tears this morning while reading it. You and Kelly have both got me weeping today! My family is going to start worrying about me.
    Jamie, I was so moved by your touching story and can only imagine what love your mother has to share those things with you and Simeon.
    Saint Luke, pray for us!

  15. Whoa! Got the tears going here too.

    Somehow the little ones can always relate. I lost twins boys at 21 weeks gestation 3 years ago, and just at supper tonight my 6-year-old looked at me and said that we have our own special saints in heaven, our Nicholas and Nathaniel. I told her that yes we do. And she comes back with: "Whenever I have a question in my heart, I always ask my baby saints, because they get the answer right from God!" That was another whoa moment!

  16. I just read your brother's story. What a beautiful Saint he is. what sanctification your life has been, Jaime Jo, and continues to be. Your mother's love is greater than the sea is wide. For her to have given those treasures of her son, Luke, to your son. As I said in the comments to Luke's story just now, what a beautiful cross to carry.

  17. OMG Jamie that story really touched my heart. Knowing the history it had to be exciting seeing the gift unwrapped. Hope all your kiddos are well and happy.

  18. A little teary reading this story. I know all too well these special gifts.

    I love that last picture, it's like he's saying, "Hi friend". <3

  19. Wow, what a story. And what a gift your mom was able to give. Beautiful treasures.

  20. Incredibly moving...what a legacy! A legacy of love and strength!

  21. How special to have this story, this teddy bear that means so much. I can't imagine what that pain must have been for you and your family whe you lost your baby brother. So sorry for you, so sorry for your mom. But I am happy for Simeon--what a special Uncle he has, watching over him!

  22. Beautiful...what a special gift :)

  23. Oh my goodness, Jamie. I had never read the story about your brother. No wonder you are so know the Cross. Well, in more ways than one, really. Your Mom, what courage to let go of such a special Luke treasure. It's in good hands for sure! Love is beyond measure in your family...Thank you for such a beautiful witness and God bless you!


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