Thursday, February 21, 2013

I'm Sorry


So sorry.  It was P.M.S.  
Really.  I should have known.
It came today.

Dang hormones.

Thank you ladies.


  1. No apologies needed. Are you kidding? We're (mostly) all women here and know the ups and downs all too well. You're so cute.

    BTW, love the new background. Just commenting on it now. Also, how do you get the 'You MIght Also Like' with other posts listed at the end of your post? I don't think I have it. Now I've got to go check.

    1. Sarah--I saw it at Margaret's and clicked on the bottom linky thing, the bottom barely of the 3 squares, you can see "LinkWithin" I've been seeing them everywhere now...and I like them!

  2. Ha! More apologies not on the list.
    Not necessary! Like Sarah said, we know that song!
    Glad your spirits are lifted today:)

  3. Actually, I love that you shared. It's good to be real in blogland. I love your husband's comment about visiting his adult kids- so something mine would say. Although, he actually has visited our adult children... to fix their toilet!!! ;)

  4. So we should expect these posts once a month until the next baby comes along...or menopause :-)

    1. I was thinking about that today while waiting for the eye doctor with my son...Will I realize the signs next month?

      Gosh you better hope so! (hahah)

    2. It takes a few months to get back into the swing if it. Your hormones might have been overdone to get things going again after nursing for so long.

  5. No apology necessary for your last post. We have all been (are) there at one time or another. I also love those interviews you did with you children a couple of posts ago. Wish I had done something like that when my children were young. Great idea! Might do it with the grandkids! Hope you are feeling more "up" soon.

  6. no worries.....I know how it goes... :)

  7. Funny, I had a feeling a post like this would soon follow. :) And I agree 100% with the other ladies. Life just gets too much in your face at times.

  8. No apologies- we all know what it's like!

  9. Agree with all the other ladies, no apologies needed! At 43 I'm struggling a bit with my cycles...not necessarily close to menopause, but maybe premenopause? My face looks like I'm twelve-teen...seriously. Finally had to see a dermatologist. She gave me some topical stuff to clear it up...but she doesn't seem to get it...I break out at the big ov time as well as when I start my period. So now I get acne twice a month. Nice. Like I said, it's like being 13 all over again...and I've got the PMS to prove it! LOL

  10. I must have missed something because I have no idea what you're apologizing It's still funny though.

  11. HA...that is funny...guess what came the day after I quit my bloggy.

    Glad to hear you are feeling better!


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