Friday, February 22, 2013

Please Pray

I  have a friend, Lisa, who is having a tumor removed from her brain on Tuesday, February 26th.
She has 6 beautiful living children, the youngest being about 9 months. (she found the tumor when he was just 3 days old)  She's just weaned him, which has been emotional for both her and her sweet baby.  She is flying out of state for this surgery and her First Sergeant husband is on active duty at a training school, in another state, until March.

She is fighting the insurance company because of a technicality of same numbers for 2 completely different surgeries...of course the insurance company won't recognize this and wants her to have her surgery in Rochester.  (the wrong surgery)

Please pray for her, her insurance issues, her beautiful family, her husband who so wants to be by his wife's side, and can't, and for the surgeon, doctors and nurses caring for her, and also for safe travel for all coming to help her during this time of need.

Thank you so much.  She appreciates any prayers you could spare.
I begged her to let me post this for her.

I'll try to keep you posted when I find out anything after Tuesday!


  1. Yes, of course will pray for this sweet woman. What a trial. May God grant her strength and healing. Hope all is well with you and your family. I love it how you are always thinking of and praying for others.

  2. We will be praying for your friend and her family.

  3. Oh my goodness...that is a lot. I will pray for her.

    Does she have any help?

    1. On her Caringbridge site today she said they have family coming from out of town to help out. There is also a special benefit dinner/bake sale this weekend.

      Thank you ladies.

  4. My prayers are with her, her husband, and children. What a large cross to bear!

  5. I'm joining you in prayer for your friend!

    Dear Blessed Mother Mary, pray for her!

  6. Thank you so much prayer warriors!

  7. That's so scary. I'll be happy to pray for her. Is it a benign tumor? Keep us posted!

  8. Oh my goodness! That poor family. We will keep them all in our prayers.

  9. She will be in our prayers as well. What a heart retching story.

  10. I also passed this along to my home school co-op as there are a good number of very prayerful women there. Praying!

  11. Praying! Can you send a link of her Caringbridge or is it for family only?

    1. No She wants to be very anonymous...unless you know her...Thanks so much for your prayers!


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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