Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thankful Thursday Piles

 I'm changing things a little today (tonite actually)
I couldn't resist joining Clan Donaldson in her Theme Thursday: Piles
SO, I'm combining her Pile theme with my Thankful Thursday post
I'll start with I'm Thankful for piles of children

 I'm Thankful this is my last pile of bottles
I washed them today and put them in bags and am storing them away.
 Thankful for piles of snow....
 and piles...
 and piles...
 and piles...
(OK, not so thankful, but I am thankful the kiddos love the snow!)
 Thankful for piles of animals for the girls' petstore
(at least the dollhouse is getting used)
 Thankful for Goodwill piles...
(I'm always trying to get rid of stuff)
 Thankful for homeschooling piles...
 Thankful for painting piles...
 Thankful for piles of dishes...
(this was before I washed those bottles)
 Thankful for piles of beans...
 Thankful for piles of boots and coats...
 Thankful for laundry piles...
(my laundry folding pile is even bigger now)
 Thankful for piles of toys...
 The refrigerator pile...
(no, I'm not so thankful for this one...
it's my husband's and he does NOT
want a basket for any of it)
 Thankful for book piles....
and piles...

Thankful again, for kid piles...
And finally, Thankful for baby walking piles! 
(Google Readers, you'll have to come see!)

P.S. Colleen--I got red in almost every picture!! 

Gosh, walking around the house, taking pictures of all some of my piles
I realized I really could clean up some of them...
But, you know, We LIVE HERE!!!


  1. I love all those piles!! I'm very thankful that you shared. :-)

  2. This post gave me piles of smile! (Ok, I know, cheesy rhyme), but really, it did.

    And oh, those unorganized, unhidden piles that belong to our husbands...well, no one's perfect.

    Love the pics-

    1. Thanks Shelly!! Yes, it's that my hubby's piles are unorganized (at least it looks like that) At least my piles are organized--hahah!!

  3. Your house looks so clean, whatchyou talkin' about? Love the kids piles the best, obviously. But the pump-hating momma in me is super happy you are putting those bottles AWAY! Go Jamie!

    1. Colleen--I'm still kind of sad about weaning him so soon, but won't miss washing those bottles or having the "pile" on my counter anymore!! (and I don't miss pumping, that's for sure!)

  4. I love how you combined these themes, Jamie Jo! And I love all the pictures of your life. Makes me feel like I live next door, and I popped in for a visit...and I have the same Blessed Virgin Statue outside our home too!!! : )

  5. Great piles showing LIFE! I got so teary watching the baby take those steps and seeing the girls be so excited for him. Have a great weekend.

  6. What joyful piles! I had to laugh about your refrigerator pile because my husband and I are on opposite sides of that argument. I put stuff up there so the littles can't reach it. And since I can't see the top of the fridge, it doesn't bother me. But my hubby is tall and it bugs the heck out of him!

    Glad you joined up!

  7. Love it!! I dare say my piles are higher than yours (the laundrey, papers...) The refrigerator is what got me, my husband has his piles and he has since the day we got married and I think it is a daily discussion about what to do with his pile. His pile is always on the end of the counter in plain view! ARGHH! Oh well, I have to say, when Mark was gone in Iraq for a year and I was in charge of the bills, my piles were higher than his so I do understand! Fun post Jamie!

  8. This is great! Needless to say, we have a lot of the same piles! The book piles can stay, but I wish the dishes would go away :)

  9. Happy piles make a happy home! Loved this theme because you really got to see more of people's real lives. Yours is beautiful, and you are right, so much to be thankful for.

  10. I love to see that your kids use their dollhouse for things others than the dolls! My daughter does the exact same thing. And oh can I relate to the husband pile!!

  11. Well, I'm glad you're trying to be thankful for your piles. I should take a leaf out of your book because I'm a not so thankful lately. Oh, I just cannot wait for warmer weather!!! And bye-bye huge pile by the front door, and just perhaps I can get my boys to wear some shoes other than boots.

    I think I would force a basket on my husband if his pile was so visible. Our system is this, he builds and builds until I can't take it (or company is coming) and then I shove it in a box, bag or whatever is handy and put it in his work area. Needless to say, he has a lot of boxes/bags by his desk...

    And how exciting for S. to walk!!! Mine is taking her own sweet time. She's a crazy climber though (much more brave than any of the others!).

    The second kid pile is great. Now, if only your Sweetie Pie had faced the camera.

    Enjoy your piles.

  12. LOL, I love it. What a great idea. I have TUNS of piles around here, mostly just trash piles since a certain 10 year old never wants to do his chores.


  13. Kid piles are great!!! Pumping bottle piles...oh, I always loved getting rid of those piles, but it's bittersweet, I know.

    Happy Weekend!!!

  14. I had to laugh at the husband's pile on the fridge because I have one just like it. I think with the same materials on it. Loved the post, thanks and God Bless.

  15. Just curious..did you put that red cup on the fridge to get the red in it...or was it there?? I noticed the red flag on the mail-box, your red water bottle almost everywhere! You are so good about drinking water!

    I also love that Tom gets a place at the home for his stuff. Brian has a bunch of piles "everywhere!"

    This is a great post and love the ideas. Especially the kids all in a pile! If only sweetie-pie was looking that pic would have been great as an 8x10!

    Loved the video. Your girls are so sweet and so excited for him!

    happy weekend


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