Sunday, March 10, 2013

We Have a Teenager!

 Jedi is 13 today!
He's a great kid!
He was born 5 weeks early, and was my tiniest baby
 But he has been the best big brother anyone could ever have!
He's sweet, sensitive and loving always.
He got Legos (of course)
 On our way to Mass, (in which he was supposed to serve)
our van got stuck, in our driveway....slid right into the bank
(see?  Toys all over the's like the Beverly Hill Billies here)
 It downpoured yesterday (yes, rain) and that rain froze on the driveway
and we live on a hill
Thank goodness for evening Mass in our city
(the babes and I are staying home, he's WAY too fussy to bring to a 6pm Mass)
At times like this I always wonder why?
Why did God allow this to happen, we were excited to go to Mass 
on Jedi's birthday, he was excited to serve on his birthday.
Then, I think and tell the kids,
Maybe if we had gone, Simeon would have gotten sick from someone
or something like that, and we need him healthy for his surgery this week.
So God protected Simeon
(those are my thoughts anyway)
 Jedi had a couple friends over yesterday
 and they went out for pizza and bowling afterward
I wanted to make these cakes for his birthday...but he's a no fuss boy 
and wanted PIE....Peanut butter pie to be exact!
(I'll have to post the recipe later)
 These are the only photos I got of the bowling boys
I sent a camera with, but they forgot to take any pictures!!
(I did get some silly face ones too)

2 separate photos
(but 2 cute photos!)
God bless you Jedi, 
I love you so much and am so very proud of you!


  1. Happy 13th to your handsome young son, Jamie Jo! Sorry about the van getting stuck, but I agree with you, probably best to keep the baby healthy.

    So glad your son had a fun pizza party. And pretty please share the pie recipe sometime! Have a wonderful Sunday evening, friend!

  2. Happy birthday to your sweet boy!!! 13 is a big one!!! We did 5 PM Mass on Sat. night since mama had to sell raffle tickets for the school's fundraiser. Also, maybe the van sliding off in the driveway prevented a worse accident down the road???!!!


  3. Oh my gosh, a teenager!! Congrats!!

  4. Happy birthday to Jedi! May God bless him abundantly throughout this next year! (I do NOT miss the rain on top of snow which turns to solid ice kind of weather. One bit.) Be safe and stay warm!

  5. Happy, happy birthday to Jedi!

    I always think the same way when things like stuck vans happen. God protecting us from something else.

  6. Happy 12th birthday to that sweet boy! As terrific as he is, I'm sure he is going to navigate those tricky waters of teenagerhood with grace and love.

    So sorry about the van getting stuck, but I agree with you. There's always a reason.

    How does it feel to be the mom of a teenager???

  7. Happy Birthday Jedi! I agree with you, maybe your truck getting stuck was a blessing, even though you were on your way to mass. God sees things differently than us, and sometimes things we think are bad are really blessings in the long run. Prayers for little Sim next week. You have such a lovely family.

  8. Happy Birthday to your handsome boy! Have a great year, Jedi!

  9. Legos, Star Wars and bowling - that's my kind of boy! :) Happy birthday and God bless, Jedi!

  10. Your son and Ivy share a birthday! Happy birthday to the TEENAGER!!!

  11. Happy 13th Birthday Jedi! Can't believe you have a teenager Jamie. wow!
    I bet he and his friends had a blast for his bowling party. Bummer on Mass, but those roads, driveways and everywhere are just a mess right now, aren't they? yuck.

  12. The van getting stuck is crazy! How did you get it out? it still there waiting for a spring thaw? It is still so cold today.

    Happy Birthday to your teen! God Bless him always.

  13. Happy birthday!! There are a lot of birthdays right about now, huh?


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