Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!

 This is the best we could get (after Mass)
Someone is ready for his nap
Too cold for outside pictures today!
(click on the pictures to see the full glory!)
It is a great picture for future memories.
And maybe even a new blog header picture...
No matchy matchy's here, how do you all do it?
My kids like different things, they don't like matchy matchy.
Plus, matchy matchy is expensive with 6 kids!
I look so haggard and, um, old and tired.
Oh, yeah, I am.
I need to start exercising.
I know that is the key.

Oops, this is supposed to be a Happy Easter post...
I'll be back for a Thankful Easter soon...


  1. You don't look tired at all! I think all of you always look so happy and sweet in all your pictures! I couldn't get a picture of my son in his Easter clothes yesterday because he was so tired too! Happy Easter and God Bless!

  2. Happy Easter Jamie!! We either do matching (if I can find amazing deals) or just color coordinated as best as possible. This year I got Maggie a dress and then bought each boy a polo shirt from the colors in her dress. They needed the shirts anyway, and they wore their uniform pants and we called it done!

  3. Happy Easter, dear friend! And I agree with always look sweet and happy in all your pictures!! Have a good day!! : )

  4. My kids like different things too, especially now that three of them are teens. My girls used to dress alike when they were little but they quickly outgrew that. They have completely different tastes. One likes a very button-up, tailored look and the other likes a more bohemian look. Happy Easter! Your family is beautiful!

  5. You look beautiful! You all make such a great couple- and with gorgeous kids, to boot! I like that their individuality shows.

    And little Sims wearing his big boy shoes- gosh, he is growing!

  6. Happy & blessed Easter! You and your family are beautiful. Nonetheless, i share your sentiments. I'm gearing up for my postpartum regime.

  7. Happy Happy Easter! So cold out yesterday dontchathink! Today also with the kids home it stinks we cant go outside and enjoy some gosh..45 degree air!

    I think the kids look great! I was lucky to get the girls to wear something the same this year! Not sure if Colette will do that again. I use to have the boys all matchy but when you get teens...different story.

    You and Tom look great!

    Wish I was there to PHOTOBOMB you guys!!!

  8. First off: you do NOT look old, haggard and/or tired! I saw a picture of a family (4 kids + the parents) in purple. Not a fan of it...I like the individuality!

  9. Happy Easter to you as well. Those are great pictures! They look "REAL" not all perfect and fake like we all try to accomplish. When you have a big family, it's the reality pictures that mean the most. They show what life was really like and not what we "wanted it" to look like. 20 years from now, you'll be thankful that Sims was kicking and screaming while Jedi tried to hang on for dear At least that's the way I look at it. That's a REAL memory!!!

    You two look great, btw! You both look like happy, caring parents to beautiful children, living a wholesome life in Gods eyes! Good Bless

  10. Girl, life is real and happens! I think your kids could be standing coated in mud and still look absolutely adorable! And you and your hubs...I see love, commitment, strength, honor, shall I go on?? You have just been through so much the past two weeks with little man's surgery. Wish you lived closer...I ended up driving 20 miles (ONE WAY) for tequila. Yes, I was in the mood for margaritas and we live in a dry county :) Anyway, I would have shared ;) Easter blessings to you and your beautiful family!!!

  11. Great Easter photos...just keeping it real and that's just fine. I think matchy matchy is cute, but I'm lucky if I manage to think about the holiday more than a week before the event and get to the store to pull anything together. It's more like "does that dress fit you? does that shirt fit?" Good enough. We are multi-purposing our outfits and you'll see them all again in a month when I post Jonah's First Communion pics. lol.

  12. You look beautiful, not haggard and old! Happy Easter, Jamie and family. I am always overjoyed when as many of my kids as possible can serve Easter Mass so I don't have to buy new clothes! How's that for honesty!?

  13. What a sweet and happy family! Enjoy your April!

  14. I think you look beautiful!! Those colors are perfect for you!!

  15. Happy Easter, Jamie Jo! I think those are good pictures, tears and all. ;) My kids are younger and tend to match more simply because of generally buying in the same colors and using hand me downs. Plus right now my younger son loves to dress like his big brother, though I do think he will favor a more polished, preppy look to the other's laid-back (um, sloppy...) look. And my three year old has started looking like pippin longstocking lately with her ensembles. Fun, fun!

  16. I think you look lovely! And the kids picture is a perfect memory. I find it impossible to get everyone smiling at the camera at once and here you have all those sweet smiling faces and one throwing a total fit! I LOVE IT! The other kids don't even look phased. I think it is brilliant.

    Happy Easter!!

  17. Don't be a matchy matchy hater! I know you are talking about my bumble bee family. LOL It was a little expensive this year. Last year we tried but I was so sick with that preganacy of the twins that I couldn't run from store to store. Myolder girls 21, 18, and 16 year olds are really the ones pushing it. I know that by next year they might all be in relationships and not want to do this, so we made the most of it this year. I don't love the color but it does make for great pictures. It took way too much time also. Oh my goodness, it isn't easy. Like yor kids mine all have different taste. So we go for the matching color and then everyone finds a dress that pulls that color in but it is always a dress or skirt that the girl finds flatering. Way too much thought I am sure.

    I love your kids picture. It is very real life. If you closely at ours, you will notice that one child will not smile for anything. We took hundreds of group shots where the twins are not looking. Silly babies! Oh well the Bumble Bee Easter will always be fondly remembered.

    Have a wonderful Easter season!

  18. I haven't even gotten my kids' Easter pic up's matchy-matchy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I refuse to feel bad about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cause God only gave me THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so I can do matchy-matchy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL :)

  19. Love that Simeon. YOur others look so unphased by it too. Made me smile. And YOU, Jamie Jo... are beautiful. Don't talk about my friend that way. I'll beatchu up ;)

  20. Geesh! I'm not a matchy matchy hater. Really, I'm not. It's just something hard to do and right now, I don't want "hard to do" things. Life is hard enough. I like you all's matchy matchy's, really I do! If we were to do matchy matchy or even color coordinated, I'd have to shop in other places than just Wal-mart and I don't have the time to shop other places right now....sorry if I offended anyone....really!

    1. Just teasing, really. Our biggest advantage is that the older girls were driving the desire to match. They are the biggest helps when they want to be. Love your family, matching or not!


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