Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wordy Thankful Wednesday!

Thankful for  pictures like these, they make me think 
of when they grow up, and how they will look back on these 
photos of themselves so little
So little and cute and innocent
so joyful!
Thankful Christine stopped by last week!
She's such a good friend, keeping our friendship going!
Our goddaughters, are only 6 months apart and just adorable together!
Thankful I figured out my "food" setting on my camera is pretty cool!
Thankful we made our lenten pretzels on Holy Thursday
Thankful for Simeon's surgeons!
His surgeon, on the left, is Dr Schultz, is now semi-retired, 
Simeon's surgery was his last scheduled surgery.
(he makes 3 trips per year to Guatemala to do surgeries)
What an honor to be his last patient!! 
His new surgeon, is now Dr Yang
Thankful, Simeon's palate surgery closed his palate 99%
which was their goal!
He can start eating normal food on Friday!!
He can rid the arm bands in about 10 days!
This is our last surgery for hopefully a couple years!!
Thankful for new bangs...she wanted me to share!

Thankful Simeon is walking now!!!  
This video is from a week and a half ago, he's much better now!
Thankful we got a meltdown on Holy Saturday...40+ degrees....
The kids were in heaven....
 This meltdown brought
 a sleeper in the entry way....
 because she lost her bedroom....2 inches of water EVERYWHERE!!!
We've been emptying the basement out and our house reeks of musty water!!
Thankful for one of Tom's old guys
 (he runs a halfway house for men in recovery)
works for Service Master and sent over someone right away!!
This is our carpet being dried....the pad is in the garbage...
 Thankful this sweet boy is starting to feel better, he has an ear infection....

 Thankful for busy school days filled with reading and math lessons...
 Thankful for busy boys into everything!!

 Thankful some kiddos still want to color Easter eggs!
 Thankful for black eyes...
(it means he missed his eye and got his cheek)
(he fell into the side of the stairs--poor baby)
 Thankful for these fun Easter eggs....
 Thankful our sacrifice jar was filled with jelly beans
(was, is the key word--the kiddos ate the last of them today)
 Thankful for another fun memory cute.
 Thankful for different personalities and styles...
This sweet girl loves to accessorize and do fancy braids!
(look at those cute feet dangling from the high chair in the background!)
 Thankful for Easter bunnies...
 taken over by big sisters....
Thankful for fun April fools jokes and a daddy with a great sense of humor!
(although, he did think we wasted a lot of paper)

Thankful for the small things in life
and the big
and what it really means

Jesus Christ is risen---Alleluia!!!


  1. He is risen indeed!! Wonderful pictures of a sweet family!

  2. Your kiddos are so beautiful, every last one and each so different. I am so sorry about the little flood. Yuck. We had a tropical type strom hit last night and while watching amovie with the older kids found water seeping in through the floor. What a mess. No carpet (thankful for that). I hope all is back to normal. I am so hope that real food comes quickly for your little guy. The past few weeks must have been difficult.

  3. OH NO..the water in the bsmt must be horrible and a nightmare! Those fans look like they might lift you off to the moon?

    I LOVE TOM! He is an April Fools fan! I almost lost my tooth from my prank.

    All the kids look great except for Sims owie and Jedi laying there half dead on the table. Hope the boys heal fast.

    Ava and I had a great time visiting. Would love to come and play and chat more often. They do look so cute together.

    Glad the surgeries are done for awhile and he can eat and those arm things gone. What a journey for you both.

    Happy Easter!

    ps..our (sacrifice jar) of jelly beans are gone also!

  4. Jamie, this kids are growing up before my eyes! Your oldest daughter is looking like a young lady!

    I loved all the photos and happy news. So sorry about the flooding. We've had scenarios like that and you just can't wait for things to be back to normal and "right" again. Feel for you.

    But the best....the goddaughter shot! What a treasure.

  5. So sorry for the flood in the house! Hope it dries out quickly and thoroughly. All the kids look great, and Sims looks like he has grown even more since your last pics! And I join in your thankfulness for the true meaning of Easter!

  6. Hi Jamie!
    LOVE Mary Hannah's bangs - she looks so cute in them.
    Rosie is such a beautiful young lady... braid, accessories and all. (I think she and my "Mimi" would get along just super!!)
    Hoping things dry out soon, and everyone is feeling 100% - including little Sim, without those arm bands!
    God bless Dr. Schultz for being so generous in Guatemala!!
    Happy Easter - ALLELUIA!!

  7. How I enjoyed reading through your post, Jamie Jo...minus the yucky water and sickness feels like we are just friends visiting and sharing our days.

    So sorry about the water. We had that happen in our house once, and like another friend commented just can't wait until things get back to normal.

    Your children are so sweet, and I love the bangs! And I must say, I am sooo jealous Hmmmm I mean happy that you and Christine are real life friends! Your girls are adorable together!

    Have a nice evening, friend!

  8. Beautiful post, Jamie Jo! So much goodness going on...even with the nasty stuff...(floods, sickness).

  9. I was struck when reading this post how much i wish you guys lived closer. Or we lived closer to you!

    I also feel so teary eyed, hmmm, what is with me this morning?

    Anyway, you have such an amazing family. It is so wonderful to get to see Simeon walking and smiling! he is such a brave and strong boy! And I could just eat him up he is such a sweetie! Anyway, i am struck by some of the similarities between our kiddos: braids and bunny stealers here too!

    Your carpet!! I am so sorry! Hope it dries up quickly and the weather makes it so you can air out the house without flooding it anymore!

  10. LOOK AT SIMS GO!!! I love it!!! He is getting so big!!! My eldest Declan just loves him. He is always asking to see pictures of him and asks how he is doing every day.

    What happened to the bedroom floor? We had a carpet flood at our old house and the smell of mildew was so awful. I feel for you.

    Your kids don't like to color eggs anymore? AWWWW, ALL my kids still fight over who get to do the first egg. I guess I should be thankful they still want to color them...(They all still wait up for the Easter Bunny as

    Love what they did to Tom's computer, too funny.

    Ava and Sweetie Pie look SOOOOO cute together. My girls would love playing them both. They're all the same age.

    I hope Jedi is feeling better soon. Ear infections are awful.

    Wonderful Thankful Thursday as always!!! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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