Friday, May 31, 2013

Campfire Birthday Party!

 My sweet little girl is turning 7 tomorrow!
She's all about playing.
She's the best little player in the world!

 She wanted to have a "camping" birthday
so we started with making "Happy Camper Crunch"
Golden Grahams
Chocolate Chips
 We put the crunch packs and flashlights into these
"camping sticks"
When I was a kid, these were Hobo sticks...
you know, for homemade Halloween Hobo costumes?
Every "camping party ideas" google, showed these sticks.
Hobo camping it is!
 (Pretend you don't see her name there)

 My failed Pinterest attempt at making a homemade tent.
I bought these stupid stakes & nails,
and it just was NOT strong enough to even stand!!
(let alone hold a sheet!)
  This is the only picture I got that actually kind of shows the tent we did have
It worked out OK
They are kids, they don't care!
This is a picture of Sweetie Pie, and my cousin's daughter, 
who is a year younger....a whole year.
My sweetie pie needs to grow....
(click on the picture, they are adorable)
 The Cake!!
I got this idea off Pinterest also, 
Here's the site--Click HERE
 I just used a boxed cake--chocolate chunk or something like that
(oops, should have put wax paper under while I was frosting it
looks kind of messy)
Time to open gifts!
 That's my cousin in the background!

 Oh, look at that sweet baby face....
Just stop growing honey.
Stay right where you are right now.
 Her good friend came in her party dress!
They are so cute together!

A close up of the table, you wanted to see it better, didn't you?
 A close up of my triangles...I stayed up til 1am making these...

 No campfire birthday is complete without a campfire!
My good friend Nicki brought us some wood, 
and yes, we had a campfire without a permit to have one.
We gotta get one of those...
(technically, we live in town, with country in our backyard)
Smores for everyone!
We prayed to God and our Angels, 
to keep the rain away enough for us to have a campfire,
after it had been raining for days,
and we were blessed!!!
It poured about an hour after everyone left!
 I love this photo, I'm taking a picture of Nolan, my cousin's boy,
and here's the birthday girl in the background enjoying her smore!
Can we have an "Awwwwww"?
Oh, honey, honey, honey!
You are always all smiles!
And I am so happy to have you in our life!
God bless you sweetheart!

(I'll probably do more pictures after tomorrow, her actual birthday)


  1. This is the coolest theme party! Great cake! Great Hobo sticks! (Yes, I remember those. We were all Hobos on Halloween, back in the day. One of my sons even dressed that way one Halloween during the 90's.)

    Happy Birthday to your little sweetie!

  2. um, how fun are you. the hobo sticks are my favorite.

  3. You are so cool, Jamie!!! What a great idea for a birthday party. Happy Happy birthday from all of us, but especially from Owen.

  4. What a cute birthday party idea! I love it and you did great on the themed items. Looks like a blast! My favorite would be the Happy Camper Crunch. YUM! Happy birthday to your sweet Colette!

  5. That is an awesome party! Oh my gosh we do like nothing for themes for parties around here, they maybe get a decorated cake. Maybe.

  6. You rocked that party, Jamie!!! Loved the whole idea, and my fave=that cake! Happy Birthday to your sweet little lady, dear friend... : )

  7. I love camping! What a cool idea!

    Your triangles are AWESOME! had to say that because 1am in the morning is so late.

    I cannot believe she is 7 already!

    Happy Birthday to one of my favorites. You were so adorable when you were a baby.
    God Bless you and your special day.

  8. Happy birthday to the beautiful girl! It looks like such a fun time. I'm havinginternet troubles and posting with my phone is tricky, so I'll end with what a wonderful party planner you are!

  9. You did a great job with the cake and party stuff! I've never thought of having a campfire birthday theme. Looks like it turned out great!

  10. Oh my goodness! What a great party! The cake is spectacular. I really cannot let my kids see this post, or they'll expect me to be able to pull that off!

  11. You're party turned out great! Love the cake...saving that one for feast days too. How'd you get those triangles so perfect? I know you can't run fabric through a cricket!! Happy birthday to your baby A! All smiles means mom's doing a great job:)

  12. You are SO much fun! SO MUCH FUN! How stinkin' creative is that? And the cake? WOW! What are the flames made of? Happiest of birthdays dearest "A"! Many many blessings to you this year. xo

    1. Oh... and lilacs! they are totally one of my favorites (I just love them). I missed them this year. They do pass so quickly.

  13. Love it!! Yes, you are a good Mom to do all of this, it is so creative and fun!~ I too hope it stops all of the rain, we are about to float away!

  14. Happy Birthday to the name I didn't see!

  15. Happy birthday, beautiful girl!! I have one turning 8 in a few months, and it doesn't seem possible. It goes by waaaay too fast, doesn't it? That is one of the best theme birthday parties I've ever seen! I love all of it -- especially the hobo sticks and the cake. And the happy camper crunch. :o) Well done, momma! :o)

  16. You need to keep those triangles FOREVER. 1 am is too late. But I know worth it for your girl! Cute party, I just might have to steal your idea for my son's 6th birthday party!

  17. Happy birthday to your sweet girl! Great job on the cake and the party! And thanks for sharing all the ideas. :)

  18. Jamie Jo, I love this idea for a birthday party! the camfire cake is so cool !! looks like real sticks and fire! Your 7 year old little lady is very happy I can see ! Those camping sticks with the little bandanas attached are adorable. I actually remember doing that as a little girl! :)

  19. Indeed that was a lovely idea and you did an awesome job and the pictures were adorable as always. I was at my grandson Mattie's 5th birthday party today and Rachel had me man the snow cone station. Me and my Ninja handled it quite well and I posted 52 pictures on FB. Have a great Sunday and rest of the week.
    Odie & Linda

  20. You're just the best mom, Jamie. How do you find the energy for all you put into these parties?

  21. Sarah told me you did this, too! Isn't it the coolest cake?? I think this was graduation day - Washington D.C. trip weekend - when you posted. Happy belated birthday to your sweet little girl!! I'm thinking my little man needs this theme for his big party this year. Sigh...I suppose he'll choose Ninjago (again!)


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