Thursday, May 30, 2013

Theme Thursday--Self Portrait

I decided to let the kiddos do a mommy portrait, 
each child drawing in a box
 what they thought of
when they thought of me.
I think it's a keeper.
(click on it to see it better!)

 (it is important when it's your kids)


  1. Love this, Jamie Jo...And I love your notes too. You are one loved mommy, friend! : )

  2. That IS a keeper. How special!

  3. This is a great idea! I love it. And that your 13 year old associates you with smiles? Awesome. That's a parenting win right there.

  4. See, that was a great way to do it! I love those pictures your kids drew and I love the twist on the theme. Great job!

  5. Love it! And that beautiful cartoon too.

  6. Replies
    1. And also, Jamie Jo I want to thank you. You leave some of the sweetest comments on my blog. I always love it when I see you've stopped by.

    2. Awwww, Laura--thank you, the same about you! SO happy to have found you through this blog world we have!

  7. Very good artists you have there!

    I like them all.

    I want to look like that skinny model too...HOWEVER..she is probably only 19 yrs old and has never ever ever had a baby so she loses big time.

    we win.we have babies!

  8. Really, that is what I can't get over, the thirteen year old and smiles. Just amazing. Love this idea, and love the cartoon, too.

  9. Awww, so very sweet, each one of them! It's good to see ourselves through our loved ones' eyes. And Jamie, you rock, girl!

  10. I'm just going to repeat everyone here... so I'm just going to let out a giant "aww" and pray that some day my children see me with the same light and joy. Wonderful.

  11. What a great idea! I should have them do the same thing for my hubby on Father's day. :-)

    1. Ooh, great idea for us to do for daddy too! Thanks!

  12. Aww...those drawings are all so sweet!

  13. Hearts, flowers, and sunshine... Yep, those are mommy traits for sure :-).

  14. I love all of the drawings! So sweet!

  15. What a great keepsake! It is a good reminder that we are our greatest critics.

  16. I wonder how mine would turn out? Yours is awesome! You do have kids who like to draw and are pretty good at it, as well. Mine would probably be five with a quick pencil drawing stick figure and one looking a little more colorful and artsy!!


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