Monday, May 20, 2013

Lazy Pentecost!

 OK, not really lazy, I did go to the store! 
When I got groceries, I forgot to plan for a special dessert for Pentacost
So, I went back to the store,
 got a strawberry angel food cake, cool whip,
and sprinkles,
 in red and yellow for the fire of the Holy Spirit!
 The kids didn't care at all!
I've found that out, that though, I might feel
guilty for not planning ahead, or
making a homemade cake or whatever
 It's really about celebrating special feast days
so the kids will remember them and know they are special,
not because of the cake, 
but because of the feast!
Come Holy Spirit, Come!


  1. What a great celebration! Love how even little Sims is blowing out the candles~

  2. Amen to that! Children are much easier to please than we realize. They do learn from simple celebrations as long as the prayerful attitude is present. Like you said, they are happy with a store bought cake!

    Come Holy Spirit, Come!

  3. Agree with Noreen...and it looks awesome! : )

  4. My first thoughts were "Amen to that!" And then I saw that Noreen said the same thing! God bless you for reading our minds and hearts:) Happy feasting!

  5. On Sunday morning we went out to breakfast because we had no groceries in the house and a lot of hungry people. We told the kids it was to celebrate Pentecost :)

  6. You are five grocery items ahead of me!
    Will make some brownies tonight to celebrate!

    Come Holy Spirit!

  7. Looks great, I love the photo of the kids blowing out the candles!


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