Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day!

 I have several of these type photos,
 not one where they all are looking.
this is my new Blog header photo!
I said "smile!"
 My Grandma's hands!
(she's almost 91)
 My beautiful Grandma!
(my dad's mom)
 My mom and Grandma
(not her mom, but she calls her mom.
 My grandma was talking about how much she loves her children's spouses
call her "mom". I like that too)
 4 generation photo!
Click on the photos to see them better!
 Nice boob shelf there Jamie.
My little sister Brenna!
We are almost 9 years apart
My little brother Jordan.
I was 16 when he was born.
He's getting married in September
He shot an arrow, and then shot another one 
and the 2nd shot landed exactly in the 1st arrow
(he's showing all of us here)
 Isn't he handsome?
He's so cuuuuute.  
He's the baby of the family.
One of my girls was telling me how he played "tag" with them
yesterday.  I thought this odd, as Jordan is not known for speed.
At least when he was growing up anyway.
I said to the girls, "Jordan ran and chased you?" 
They said, "Oh, no, he kind of walked."  
That sounds like the Jordan I know.

I have another brother, John,
 (he's one year younger than me)
who was not able to come,
it was also the MN fishing opener so...
 The kiddos and me
Already cleaned that window this morning, thanks though.
 Caught on camera mid "Old MacDonald had a farm"
 My kids are weird.
She's playing that she's sleeping.
 I have no idea why.
 But she sure is a sweetie pie.
 Individual shots

 If I sit, he brings me books constantly
She decorated the house with balloons and streamers for me!
I love a teen who still gives tons of hugs.
I cherish every one.
Happy Monday everyone!


  1. What a gorgeous family, Jamie, from the oldest to the youngest. Your grandma looks like a doll- what a blessing to still have her in your life.

    Cutie little Sims bringing you the books- and my teen is still very snuggly, and I count my blessings with that, too!

  2. I am so happy to see you in a lot of pics for Mother's Day! It's so nice you have so many generations still around.

  3. Without a doubt, you are your mama's baby. You look exactly the same!! Happy Mother's Day!

  4. Oh... loved looking at your pictures, Jamie Jo! So beautiful! And love the new look around here, friend...Happy Mother's Day!

  5. Individual pictures...what a GREAT idea!
    Wished I would have thought of that. maybe next year.
    remind me????!!!

    Fun to see your little bro. pretty talented with his arrow.

    Beautiful kids...beautiful mama..beautiful life.

    love that little dang cute!

  6. Happy belated Mother's Day, Jamie Jo! Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures of your family. Hey, that arrow shot is called a Robin Hood, BTW. (My hubs did that ONE time in his life.) Robin Hood is liking shooting a hole in one in a round of golf. Huge Kuddos to your brother!

  7. PS - I like the "flowers" LOL

  8. Oh! I love all the pictures of your beautiful family! Their smiles make me smile!

  9. Your blog looks great! I love all your pictures, such a beautiful family and they are blessed to have such a wonderful mom!

  10. LOVE the 'boob shelf' shot, story of my life, for real yo! And the header, perfect picture.

  11. Such a great post. You are one of the prettiest women I know. Love ya!

  12. What great Mom's Day photos!! So many of you and such precious ones with each of the kiddos. You are so beautiful :) I was just reading on your sidebar the blog name for your youngest (won't say name, just in case) Little Red. Now that is cute!! Like the new header photo with just kids being kids.
    ps..So nice to see Brenna too, since I haven't for a while.

  13. Congrats to your brother on the Robin Hood shot. I hear that is crazy difficult. Your kids are so precious.

  14. You sure look a lot like your mother! Glad you had such a wonderful Mother's Day! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  15. Loved seeing your extended family in photos and I loved the idea of individual shots with each kid!

    God bless you Jamie, mother extraordinaire!

  16. Beautiful you, Mothers and family! Love your sense of humor:)


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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