Saturday, May 11, 2013

We All Have a Mother!

 Not everyone looks forward to each holiday,
has a family where everyone gets along
 and is happy to see each other.

For a lot of people, 
holidays are hard.
They often are stressful.
They bring up pain
either from broken relationships, 
dysfunctional family life growing up, 
or even loss.
I have several friends who have 
lost their mothers, some very recent 
and some years ago.
This holiday in particular, has a double sword,
because many women are out there in pain
because they'd love to be mothers
but for some reason are not.
 We all have a mother, our Heavenly Mother
Christ's Mother, 
He gave to us on the Cross

 "When Jesus saw his mother,
 and the disciple whom he loved standing near,
 he said to his mother,
 'Woman, behold, your son!'.
 Then he said to the disciple,
 'Behold, your mother!’"
 (John 19:26-27).

I've always loved Mary.
I've never had a problem with it.
She's the Mother of Jesus.
I've always loved Jesus.
In fact my love for Jesus is a yearning,
like I can't love Him enough.

"Because God has made us for Himself, 
our hearts are restless until they rest in Him."
-St Augustine of Hippo 

I do not have the same feelings towards Mary.
I love her, I feel love from her,
I trust her, but I do NOT yearn for her.
Her love is always there, as a mother's love should be.

The Hail Mary is biblical, 
the first part comes straight from the Bible, 
the 2nd part is asking for her intercession.

She always leads us to her Son, Jesus.
All the people I know that have a love for the Blessed  Mother,
have an even deeper love for Christ, her Son.

She loves you and knows you as a mother should
For all of you out there hurting this weekend, 
May our Mother Mary cover you in her mantle,
wrapping her love around you, 
and bring you to her Son, 
the way only she can.

It is so fitting that May is known as the month of Mary
A month to honor our Blessed Mother

God bless you 
Happy Mother's day !


  1. Oh, Jamie, I hope your Mother's Day is especially spectacular and that it is the most relaxing one yet!

  2. Great tribute to our Lady, and so true!

  3. Love this! God bless you and Happy Mother's Day!

  4. Beautiful post. Happy Mother's Day! :o)

  5. Great post Jamie. Happy Mother's Day!!!

  6. Happy Mothers Day to you~ The bestest mama evah.

    Hope you were spoiled today and I know you were loved by your family.

  7. ps. I think the flowers on here are YOU~

  8. Happy Mother's Day friend. YES, we have Mary for our Mother and I will share your beautiful words on Catholic Pinterest and twitter.

    Great job!


  9. "No Mary, no Jesus." --St.Mother Theresa

    1. Yes, and I think it ends with "Know Mary, Know Jesus" right?


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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