Monday, June 3, 2013


 Thankful I finally tried making Flubber!
It was a lot of fun
it is made of glue
(water and a little soap)
if you spill or drop any,
it acts as glue.
It sticks to clothes and floors
(trust me, I know)
 Thankful for lilacs and pink blooming trees

 They fade fast...this is all that's left of the pink.
 Thankful for the deer that keep bedding in our woods
Can you spy her?
 The kids thought maybe she was having babies, but she wasn't!
 Thankful for art walls
 Thankful for the way the kiddos gather around the birthday child
 Thankful for birthday celebrations
(yes, I made another cake for her actual birthday)
 Thankful for my Iris baby!
The day she was born, the Iris's were blooming, 
so every year, we take pictures of her in front of the Iris plants
This is the first year they were not blooming,
but the buds are coming--Spring is just a little late this year!
 Thankful for her sweet smiles and 
"I wuv you so much mommy"'s
 Thankful that my home has become a pit stop for these lovely ladies
on their way to the Minnesota Catholic Home Education Conference
(My husband couldn't figure out how to use my he was taking a video
of us for like 30 seconds, so I took a picture of us paused in the video)
That's me up top, then Sarah, my sister close friend, 
then, CarolLee, (a new friend that Suzie brought), Suzie 
her sweet sweet baby, and Lori!
(who I finally got to meet in real life!)

Sarah and I have been friends for a real long time 
and our time together is always way too short.
She is having surgery today and tomorrow on her veins,
please say a prayer for her!

Sarah introduced me to Suzie and 
we've been friends now for years and 
we have that special sister love,
I'm so glad we are friends.

(They came from North Dakota)

 I was not really a "pit stop" for Lori--she drove a whole hour out of her way to meet me!!
OH, pictures do not do her justice, she is so beautiful and so young in person!
It was so great to meet and visit with her, like we were old friends!
 Her daughter Candace was with too, lovely young lady.
(she has 3 little kiddos!)
I hope I have a relationship with my daughters like these two.
So Thankful to have met! 
 Thankful I got my flowers planted yesterday!
 Well...some of them.
(the ones I could get done during one little boy's nap)
 Thankful the littles and I went to a local flower garden
and walked and ran and had a great time!
 They have these "rooms" of grass, the kids always love to run in!
 Thankful for running little boys....
 I'm gonna

get you!!!


  1. This is such a happy post! I love the art wall. I love the running little boy (I miss playing "I'm gonna get you" with mine!). Your girls are precious.

    And I can't believe you have deer that relax like that in your yard! We have woods behind us and get a lot of deer visitors, but they always run when they see us. I usually have to take pictures of them through the sliding glass door.

  2. I love thankful posts. They make me think of my blessings!

  3. Thanks be to God! He is sooo good!

  4. I always leave your thankful posts with a huge smile on my face and in my heart. What a grand time that must have been to have your friends stop by. Love those heart times together.

    The pink in your pics is such a joyful color (can you tell I love pink???)and it's great to see that the flowers are coming and the deer are camping out. So many blessings!

  5. Jmie Jo, your "baby" is growing! what a smile!! love daughter's pink room and all that art on the walls! what a great idea that i should use here, because art is endless at our house, and i run out of wall space. How wonderful to meet and spend time with your lady gfriends. we all need a little adult conversation now and then and I'm hopelessly don;t get enough of that! isn't it wonderful to see the sibling love when there's a birthday girl or boy in the house! it truly is a sincere show of love. I too like to cut off the lilac flowers and bring them to the kitchen where the aroma lasts for days. (love your kitchen Madonna!)

  6. What a beautiful post, Jamie! We had such a fun time at your home over a shared meal; we were thankful for the break in travel and time for visiting.

    You are so BEAUTIFUL!! I'm thankful Sarah introduced us.

    It's so fun to see your kids and I'm always in awe (yes, I am!) of the crafts and activities you do with them. We all have our gifts...I admire your creativity...even in the midst of all the extras you had to add into this year, you've found time to still be creative.

    Am praying for you this week...that it will go smoothly and that you'll get a peaceful shower when necessary ; -)

  7. Thankful that I get to share in your thankfulness, Jamie...I love the art wall too. And how awesome is you meeting up with friends! Have a wonderful evening, friend. Oh and...I.want.a.piece.of.that.cake. : )

  8. That is so cool to meet bloggy friends!
    I love these posts. So many things going on in your life.
    That deer in the back yard..that is crazy. They do not stick around here. Too scared I guess. They still eat everything. Dont your deer eat everything?

    You have great artist in those girls. I love that.

    Love your flowers also. I just dont do flowers. Not sure why. Lazy???

    it is cloudy now and starting to rain. everything is so green!!!

  9. Precious. I just love spring. And oh, I may just have some hard pink goo somewhere prominent that just won't come out. I get it. ;)

  10. Jamie, You are so kind and so sweet. I am very thankful that we were able to meet *in real life*! You and I have known each other for years through your blog, but I feel so blessed to finally meet you in person. :-)
    And it was great seeing Suzie and Sarah again - and to meet CarolLee, too!
    I just love your thankful posts, I always feel so happy after reading them. Love the flowers, and gardens, and "I'm gonna get you!" :-)
    Love and {{{hugs}}}!
    Have a blessed week! Prayers for you all!

  11. You'll never believe this...Candace and Lori sat next to Todd and I at breakfast on Saturday morning at the Homeschool conference! What a small world!

    Love that you always take time to display what you're thankful for. It reminds me to step back and reflect on all the blessings God has given me.

    God Bless!

    Heather :-)

  12. I love your thankful tuesdays! maybe a monthly link up?

  13. so jealous, no one ever pit stops in Houston as it is a pit stop of its own. I was supposed to meet up with a friend of mine at a Catholic Homeschool conference in Dallas but we both had to back out. I am so sad. I hope your friends got rejuvenated and you were too by visiting with them.


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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