Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Can I Have a Cheese Stick?

When  she asked for a cheese stick like Simeon,
I said, "Sure."
When I went to check on them,
" A cheese stick, huh?"
Guilty face.
She's thinking,
 "Dang, I should have thrown those away."
I love kids and the evidence they leave.


  1. Oh no! You're going to have some stopped up bottoms! ;-)

  2. Ha! Caught in the act! Love it, Jamie! : )

  3. Oh, a picture truly does say it all! She's going to be laughing about this picture with her grandkids one day~

  4. That's going to hurt coming out. And, that's so my kids.

  5. Yup that was me as a kid. Love me some cheese!

  6. Always bury the wrappers down in the trash can or the couch cushions, kids! (that's what mine do, thinking I'm not on to them!)

  7. HA!!!!! A girl after my own cheese-loving heart!

  8. Now that summer vacation is here, I have empty wrappers and boxes all over the house..crazy stuff.

    whats a mama ta-do.

    I like the look on her face. precious.

  9. LOL, how about when they ask for rice crispy treats in the box (from Costco) and suddenly the box is half empty after one sitting....sigh.


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