Thursday, July 18, 2013

Summer Birthday Picnic!

 For her 11th birthday,
We decided a birthday picnic would be perfect
Here's the cake we made for the party day
Slightly different (and better) than the Whopper cake!
She told me after her birthday that she didn't really like Whoppers
(me either)
but thought it was pretty.
So I thought these would be better!

 Just a home picnic, minimal costs here 
(money is tight)
We also asked "No gifts please"
on the invites.
I loved this!!  
Just a fun get together, no pressures! 
 Picnic table set
 Pinterest success!
Great, easy, not as messy way to eat watermelon for large groups!
I had turkey, ham or PB & J's, chips, veggies and dip, fruit kabobs,
watermelon and that Junior Mint cake 
And cupcakes
Girls signed the scrapbook page!

 Guess how many gumballs?
was one game
Winner got the gumballs!
 I loved watching them gather and girl talk
 Picnic in the shade, it was a really hot day!
 3 legged races...
 Cute posing girls!
 And of course water fun, it was SO hot!
 You wanted to see that cake again, didn't you?
 We gave her a room reveal on her birthday.
Here is was before
(the room was flooded when the snow melted this spring,
we put in a really expensive basement water treatment system
guaranteed to NOT flood for 40 years)
(our bathroom had to be ripped apart, no more shower or toilet)

She picked the colors, we call it the happy room!!
(she doesn't have all her stuff in yet here in the pictures)

Of course the girls had to do the Cup Song...
Could not get Youtube to get it on this post for some reason...


  1. What a great way to celebrate your daughter's birthday! I love her new room. How bright and cheery. Glad that your summer is going well!

  2. Aww..looks like a great birthday party! I love her bedroom. I bet she is really enjoying it.

    Where did you get the pink and green seat at end of the bed?

    1. I recovered an old toybox from when I was little!! I'll post before after pics soon--OK?

  3. What fun, Jamie Jo! Everything is perfect. I love the theme and all the food and decorations...But most of all, I love the friendship! Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter!

    Her bedroom is perfect! We had a water issue here awhile back. Not fun. At all.

    Have a great weekend, friend!

    1. She has been on the floor in the toy room since Holy Saturday!! She's been such a good sport about it all though!

      Happy weekend to you too!

  4. I would call it the wake up room! Her room looks great, and what a fun, easy going party - just my style. I wish people would listen when I say no gifts.

    1. I was pleasantly surprised that everyone listened about the gifts!! The girls each made homemeade cards though, that was really neat!

  5. What a great birthday! Such fun. And the bedroom reveal, I bet she loved it. What an awesome bedroom!

    1. The room was finished when she came home from Schoenstatt Camp!! (she was there with most of these girls), We got home late the night before her birthday! It was fun! Her room makes me want to be a kid again!

  6. Happy, happy birthday!

    Are you telling me that she has her own room?!? I only see one bed did she score that setup?

    1. Oh, gosh, long story. She's in the fireplace room because the actual bedroom down there lost it's carpet...this room is useless, we don't use it, it's huge, so we put up shower curtains over the doorways and viola!! Big bedroom!! She has had a roommate once, but that child moved back up....getting along issues, certain kids get along better than others, and there is also a spider issue in the basement. And it's cold, the 2nd daughter is cold when it's 90 out, so a basement bedroom would NOT work for her. That's how she scored...We have a daughter that wants to move down though, carpet or not, as soon as she learns to pick up her room now. (the rest share, but she is the messiest!)

  7. What a neat party and so many girls! I LOVE home parties and just hanging with the kids. That watermelon idea was amazing. The cake looks so yummy!

    I love her room! The colors are so bright an pretty.

    1. What other kind of party is there? I suppose some people go places like Airmaxx--I like home parties too. I loved seeing them all talk and laugh. So fun, to think of them all even 5 years from now when they are around age 16. Oh, I want to keep them right where they are right now.

      This party made me want to just have large get togethers without the birthday, it was really fun! Wish we had a pool!

      Watermelon, make sure if you do it, you cut a slice where you will stick the stick, it goes in easier.

  8. So so great. You make everything so special, Jamie! What a great Mom. Wow... 11! Why does she look so much more "mature" in her pics?

    1. She does seem like she's 12, doesn't she? She'd love that, she gets her ears pierced when she's 12. (because I did)

      It really was not that big of a deal, made sandwiches, had girls over. OK,the cake was pretty cool.

  9. Simple, home parties are the best! And I love her new room!

  10. Great party idea! Don't you wish you could be a fly on the wall and listen in on those girlie conversations? Precious moments that are passing too quickly! Her bedroom turned out great. I bet she is super excited about it. I know I would be if it were mine!

    1. I know a Pinterest party would have had picnic blankets all over with cute picnic baskets and everything perfect, but who can spend that kind of money? Simple. The getting together is what they will remember, not all the perfect frills.

      Oh, I loved watching them giggle and laugh and sing that song, so cute...and dressing, they all hid from eachother and got dressed under her desk one at a time in her room, some in the cute. Love this age group. I know 5 years will pass really quickly and they will all be 16 just like that.

      She loves the room. Funny what a little color (especially if it's your favorite) can do!!

  11. At 11 all they really want to do is sit around and gab anyway so a picnic party is a great idea. And less commitment than a sleepover! :) Happy late birthday!

  12. Looks like a wonderful birthday! I like the no gifts idea. It can be so hard on everyone sometimes. I am a firm believer that just letting people get together is more than enough fun!

  13. Oh my goodness, that cake looks yummy. Was it? Happy birthday!


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