Sunday, October 26, 2014

Thankful in October

 Thankful my closest friend in the whole world is coming tomorrow!!
Here we are just a few weeks ago
 She lives close to 3 hours away, 
so sometimes months go by, especially in the winters, 
and even in the summers because of vacations and busy schedules,
where we don't see each other.
Our littles didn't know each other
Until a couple months ago!
Everything is new to the littles each season
After a couple visits
 they were best friends!
Look at those sweet faces!
 The older kiddos have been friends since they were babies!
 Our 2 oldest boys together.
They always have such a good time!
 Eva my goddaughter, and my 8 year old get along perfectly!
 Thankful for "mom dates" with my son
It's special time to just talk and let them know how much I love them.
That I really care about them and want to spend time with them.
 Thankful for cookie bakers...
 and cookie lickers...
 Thankful for leaf crunching along side the road!
Even I love to crunch and kick the leaves!
 Thankful for beautiful fall weather
Thankful for funny kiddos, she is rolling him here, like a sausage.
And in the video below, Little Red makes up wrestling moves:

 Thankful I finally got all my recipes into books

 Easier to bring to Texas
4 weeks, 5 days left
 Thankful I still have littles that like to paint
 and play in the tub
(the water is yellow from a yellow tub tablet, we only have yellow left)
Kind of looks gross, doesn't it?
 Thankful I have let go of my old dollies
(Melissa and Elizabeth here)
and my 10 year old loves them
Thankful for sweet notes like this found on my water bottle!

Thankful for a "mom date" with my 12 year old
We went to feed the ducks at a local lake and then off to the mall

 This duck ate right out of our hands!!
 Thankful for dark chocolate chips and little boys that like to sneak some with mama!
 Thankful my Cosmos are still blooming!!

 Thankful for a very active little boy, look at that form!!

 He's an awesome runner!!

 He loves to win too!
It's really funny!
 They race up the hill and back down again...
On your mark, get set, GO!!!!
 Thankful for cute little girls with curls that love their picture taken

Even if it's just to show off her new shoes!
 Thankful, she is READING!!!!
 There is so much joy that comes to a mama when her child first learns to read!
 Thankful all my old crafts and Art projects are so new and fun for the little ones!
Don't you want to tickle that belly?
Are you still here?
Well I'm Thankful for that!
Thankful for big and little things, 
and all the things in between!
You know, poopy diapers, bloody noses, screaming kids,
 and all the crazy things that happen in all families.
that can drive a mama crazy.


  1. Cute pictures of your sweet family! Have a great week.

  2. Jamie...
    The cookies look good...
    The children look adorable...
    And Mom looks stunning!
    I forgot about your big move!!!!
    Tell us more!
    Are you selling your home? Do you have to move everything, or is it like a seasonal thing?
    I'm not being nosy...well maybe a little...just am curious!
    It will be weird not placing you there this winter!
    HaVe a great week, my friend!

    1. Well...we are heading down to Texas the day after Thanksgiving and will be there from Dec 1 until we get home March 1. Then, we are going to get our home ready to know, new appliances, countertop, painting throughout, a few new windows, and then carpet last. We plan on listing the house by June 1. I updated in the middle of the Love Boat post:

      But we have since decided on Arizona. With 330 plus average days of sunshine!
      I'll try to post a few pictures here and there but don't want to give away where we are on the blog!

      You have a great week too!!

    2. So to be clear here:
      This winter in Texas
      Then we will move to Arizona, next summer.

  3. I just love your thankfuls, and you! I hope you have a lovely time with your dear friend!

  4. I love everything here. Your dates with the kids is really something I need to start doing. How special!
    Enjoy the time with your friend. Oh, and yes....I do want to tickle that belly.

    1. Gosh Kathleen, it had been so long since I'd last done it, I think last summer. I started just bringing one kid with me grocery shopping...but it just was not the same, there is an agenda then and not just time with them. It's always a struggle, finding time for everyone, even my husband.

      We had a great time today, my friend and I!

  5. My favorite picture is your daughter with the duck!! Right by her foot!! how cute is that! either that duck was so hungry or really so friendly!

    You are so blessed to have a family that all the kids have someone to hang with. That is so rare.

    The next couple of weeks are going to go by so fast for you guys! I do have questions also. Are you just bringing clothes down? The place you are staying at is furnished? I bet you will have so many fun times at the ocean. Take lots of pictures and blog lots!

    Way to go sweetie-pie. Such a big girl reading so good. She has a good mama teaching her!

    Poor Tom...sounds like he got know where! ha

    Take care always..Thankful for you!

    1. That duck was friendly, he literally ate out of our hands, it was really fun. They all each had funny personalities, some were scared, some were to watch, just go with a whole loaf of bread and sit and feed.

      We were out at a friend's home Saturday night, 4 families total, all kids the same ages, so fun to get together when the kids all get along. It does make a difference.

      We are bringing clothes, both summer and fall clothes, you know layers...hard to know how warm or cold it will be. Average temps for Dec and Feb are 70 and for January 60....

      We are also bringing all of our school....some toys...some kitchen my Ninja blender...But all we bring is for 8 people, so 8 bins of adds up. We are also bringing a extra large cooler...the place is furnished. I can send you a link of what it looks like! Actually, the owner just bought another condo, in the same place, and said he'd give a discount to anyone that would like to come while we are there!! Come!!

      Thankful for you too sweet Christine!!

  6. Reading these posts warms my heart, Jamie Jo! I wish you could have been my childhood friend or even my sister. I think you would have made life much more enjoyable ;)

    Now that picture showing Littke Red and his running form... I heard the theme from Cheriots of Fire playing in my head as soon as I saw that!

    Thinking of you more and more as your Texas time clock ticks away. And great idea about the recipe books!!! Bringing them with you!

  7. Oh, you are so very sweet Patty!

    Oh, yes, Little Red is quite the runner!
    We are all excited and there's so much to do and plan before we leave!

  8. Love your thankfuls!

    I did that with my recipes years ago and they could really use another makeover.

    Teaching a child to read, just so awesome! Our Gabriel is learning to read and I just realized this is the 9th child that I get to treasure that AHA! moment with. Such a treat.

    Saw your email about dinner...this weekend we are available both Sat. and Sun. Next weekend not so much, Stephen is coming home. It kind of makes for chaos. Everyone goes in different directions. Dan works late on weeknights now. Call me and we'll figure something out.

    A big huge thank you for that pizza meal you made for our family ( the flubbed one was good,too!) We ate that for three days!!! It was awesome.

    And thank you for the prayers, still not 100% but getting closer. So very grateful to so many prayer warriors. God provided in amazing ways.

  9. Why am I so excited for you to go to Arizona?? I don't know. Most of my FB friends (and they have become "real" friends over time) live there. It seems like all the really good Catholics live in AZ so you will fit right in! :-)

  10. Sweet. :) Showing off new shoes is a big thing. My 5 year old is.this.close for reading to click. She knows the sounds and will sound out a cvc word but then completely forget it two minutes later when she has to read it again. It'll happen soon. Hopefully she just takes off with it.


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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