Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Things I Love and More

Back in July, I bought this notebook.
Mostly because it was cool, but I like to write my thoughts down
when I'm out and about, or praying in the chapel, or just at home.
If I don't write my thoughts down when they come, they are long gone, 
yet somehow taunting me out there to capture somehow.

I started thinking that I'd like to make a list of 100 things I love/like.
In no particular order and not including people, you know, 
like my husband and my children...that's a give in, right?

I thought it would be hard.
it turned out to be pretty easy.
I added to it all summer 
I'm going to share some of those things with you
(OK, I shared them all)
along with a picture or two (or 20)
in the hopes you make a list for yourself.

A little book of YOU!
Because I love YOU!

  1. I love dark chocolate
  2. I love kids and babies
  3. I love the sun and sunny days!
  4. I love taking my kids to the wading pool and playing "1, 2, 3 Jump!"
  5. I love swinging them around in the water
  6. I love happy endings in movies
  7. I love sitting on the porch, soaking up the outside as much as I can
  8. I love chocolate chip cookies
  9. I love baby toes and little kid toes
  10. I love painted toes
  11. I love talking with my husband
  12. I love when Tom kisses and hugs me hello and goodbye
  13. I love babies and children falling asleep in my arms...there's nothing like it
  14. I love to watch movies
  15. I love the differences in personalities with my 6 kids
  16. I love driving in the summer with the windows down and the radio up
  17. I love driving in the summer with the windows down and the radio off
  18. I love curls on girls
  19. I love campfires
  20. I love flowers
  21. I love to grow things
  22. I love lush green grass and trees and woods
  23. I love pre-school age children, it's my favorite age
  24. I love to just sit on the side of the wading pool and watch my kiddos laugh and play, to enjoy that innocence of childhood.
  25. Simeon giggled in his sleep around 5 am for 10-15 seconds--makes me smile just thinking about it--talk about "sweet dreams"!
  26. I love that I feel 26 inside but have (hopefully) the wisdome of my 45 year old self
  27. I love warm rainy days in the summer
  28. I love going to Adoration
  29. I love praying the rosary.  Any where, any place, any time!!
  30. I love going to daily Mass
  31. I love going to Confession, I love examining my soul deeper each time.
  32. I love Jesus!!
  33. I love my faith, being Catholic, I love living and walking my faith, it brings such joy and fulfillment to my heart
  34. I love the Bible, but I struggle with what I should read
  35. I love vegetables
  36. I especially love salads
  37. I love to garden, vegetables and flowers...but the deer eat what I plant, so no veggies.
  38. I  love to organize things, although I'm not very organized with my time
  39. I love to take pictures
  40. I love to capture a memory
  41. I love to then, look at that memory...it reminds me to be thankful.
  43. My 5 year old calls the YMCA "Lime-C-A"
  44. I love to watch people and wonder about their lives
  45. I love to go to the same cashiers at Wal-mart
  46. I love the ocean and the beach, I can't help but think about God and His Awesomeness, it's so Vast and amazing.
  47. I love to look at shells on the beach
  48. I like long hair
  49. My favorite colors are bright pink and bright blue
  50. I love the real names of my children (all named after saints)
  51. I always check out way too many children's books at the library (and yes, we do owe fines)
  52. For myself, I like to read books that will change my life, if it doesn't change me in some way, it feels a waste of time for me. 
  53. I like to brush my teeth every time I eat
  54. I need down time, time alone, quiet time, time with just our family, time with nothing on the agenda.
  55. I love water, ice tea w/ Sweet-n-Low and diet cola, all with ice.
  56. When I look at houses, I always look for a good "cookie baking counter"
  57. I used to have straight hair, before children.
  58. I do not drink alcohol, out of respect for my husband (in recovery for 25+years now)
  59. I do not like the zoo. 
  60. I love the smell of sunscreen.
  61. I do not like fruit scented lotions
  62. I've been wearing the same perfume since I was 17.  "Confess Body Spray" (fake Obsession)
  63. I love Spring, Summer and Fall...although, Fall the very least, because it quickly turns into Winter.  
  64. I am always cold if I sit down.  I don't sit very much, but at the end of the day, when I rock Simeon to sleep, I FREEZE!!  
  65. I love Spanish, but only took a year in high school.
  66. I'm excited for my kids to learn Spanish
  67. I do not like the Latin Mass.
  68. Yes.  I said that. It's true.
  69. Pet Peeve:  People that pretend to be dumb.
  70. Pet Peeve: Negative people that complain, complain, complain....
  71. I am left handed and I love that.  It makes me different.
  72. I don't care what religion you are, I just want to know you.  I want to know what you believe and why and want you to want the same of me. (I think that's called respect)
  73. I love tattoos and the reasons people get them, and I think the more the better, but I have no desire to EVER get one. I don't like the little tattoos, the ones that people get just to get a tattoo...I think if you are going to do it, Go BIG!! Look at her arms!!  They are awesome!  I used to watch that show LA Ink...just to see the reasons people do it. (when we had TV) (saw this lady at a park this past summer, I took her picture from far away, just held the camera in my lap and took the shot.  Sorry lady.  I really wanted to come up to you and talk to you about your tatts, but had to go with my kids)
  74. Another Pet Peeve: People constantly trying to sell something or wanting money for something.  It's everywhere you go.  Even in line at the drive thru...Arbys, "Do you want to add a dollar for whatever" (it's a genius way to raise money, but I don't like it)
  75. I got my ears pierced when I was 12.  I have not worn earrings regularly since my 3rd child was born. (that was 10 years ago)
  76. I love sitting on the porch with Tom, talking about everything, holding his hand or snuggling up to him.
  77. I love the smell of fresh cut grass.
  78. I love taking the kids to the park, but with so many kiddos, I rarely do anymore, we utilize our backyard more!
  79. I  love to play Scrabble, for a while, but I'm not a big game player.
  80. I love a good burger with no onion, and lots of pickles and ketchup!
  81. I love making tie dye shirts
  82. I love Chipotle's.  I always order a meatless salad w/black beans, brown rice, mild salsa, fajita veggies, guacamole and extra lettuce on top!
  83. I  love the smell of babies, makes me smile. 
  84. I love Minnesota in the spring and summer.
  85. I do not like to travel, but I  love to be in different places.
  86. I do not like to wear jewelry, except my wedding ring.  I do wear a medal and scapular though anyway. 
  87. I love my blue eyes.
  88. I  love that I have curly hair now, it turned curly after having babies.
  89. I love talking and getting together with my friend Sarah.  There's just something there.  
  90. I love Iron Man, Spiderman, The X-Men, and the newest Superman and anything Marvel.
  91. I do not  like pets.  For myself, I'm OK if you have them though.
  92. I love Philippians 4:8
  93. I  love fairs, big ones and small ones!
  94. I love to watch people.
  95. I love the 4th of July parade!  Everyone is so festive in their red, white and blue!
  96. I love Disneyland...I have great memories of it from my childhood, living in California, even was locked in overnight for grad-nite!
  97. I love being a woman
  98. I love to help people
  99. I love Pinterest and all the ideas out there for EVERYTHING!!
  100. I love Jessica's parties, I've told her a few times, she should write a book.  She has so many ideas for not only parties, but all things Catholic.  She was my first example of someone celebrating feast days.
  101. I love that Christine came up to me after Mass one day many years ago, and made that first move to become friends! 
  102. I love mailboxes and the hope they bring to all of us.
  103. I love blue ink.  Specifically, Papermate Profile pens.
  104. I love watching my kids play with other kids
  105. I love family game night!  Although, we rarely seem to have it anymore
  106. I love the sound of the wind blowing through the trees on windy days
  107. I love sitting on the porch when it's raining!
  108. I love listening to Chrystal Gayle, it reminds me of my childhood.  My dad listened to her every weekend, he had (still has) every single album she made.  (yes album)
  109. Ditto on Eddie Rabbitt!!  Saw him in concert at the State Fair many many years ago, invited 3 new friends to go with me I hardly knew!!  It was raining!!!!  (I Love a Rainy Night)
  110. Kenny Roger's song, "Lucille" I thought he said "400 children and the crops in the field"
  111. I love country music but most of it brings me back to a time in my life I don't want to think about.  Even new songs.  Isn't that funny?
  112. Can't even count how many times I saw Alabama in concert!! Gosh, and The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band!!  And Lee Greenwood!!
  113. Who doesn't love Kenny Rogers hits?
  114. And Kenny Loggins?  I'm aging myself, aren't I?
  115. I love getting all my laundry done in one day.  It happened twice. 
  116. I only like mint flavored gum.
  117. I love being able to open all the windows in the house, when it's not too hot or too cold outside
  118. I love watching my child learn how to swim!
  119. I love seeing my child learn how to read--that moment it clicks, is amazing!
  120. Same with going potty!!
  121. I love Tom's blue eyes
  122. I love Tom's goat tee...go-tee, goatie? OH, that beard thing on his chin!
  123. I think my husband is so cute in a baseball cap.
  124. I love Tom in camo shorts!
  125. My favorite dessert is vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup and a banana cut up on it! I made it for myself on vacation this past summer...
  126. Note to self:  NO MATTER HOW HIGH YOUR GOALS ARE OF WORKING OUT WHILE ON A WEEK VACATION, YOU WON'T DO IT!! Stop wasting space in your suitcase with shoes and workout clothes!
  127. I love coming home after vacation!
  128. I love that our family PRAYS!!
  129. I don't like cupcakes or pancakes
  130. I love Tom in his gray muscle shirt!
  131. I love the smell of fresh rain
  132. I love fresh flowers in a vase on the table or anywhere
  133. I love watching the kids play in the sand
  134. I love weeding my gardens with my bare hands, there's something about touching the earth, working with it, smelling it.  God's gift to us.
  135. I cry very easy, my tears are a gift.
  136. I might even be known to cry in animated movies....
  137. I see every one of my faults magnified in my children.  I hope they also magnify my good qualities!!
  138. I love non fiction books.  
  139. I don't like fiction usually.  If it's not real, I don't want to read it.
  140. I love screen doors.  I love the sound of a screen door slamming shut.  
  141. I love the smell of a humid summer morning.
  142. I love remnants of children playing in the yard (a little)
  143. I love sidewalk chalk
  144. I love to do my morning prayers on the porch.
  145. I love to do school on the porch.
  146. I LOVE THE PORCH!!!
  147. I love houses with porches on them!
  148.  I love that I am too young to be 45!!  Ha!! A friend told me that and I'm stealing it!
  149. I love the word "people"
  150. I love summer
  151. I love the songs Be Happy and Happy.  NO one else in my family does. 
  152. I love Netflix
  153. I love a lot  more male singers than I do female singers.
  154. I love lilacs.  They make me think of my childhood.  I used to play between 2 lilac bushes my mom had.  I'd play that there was a tragedy and I had to run away from our home and I was all by myself and that spot between the bushes was my home, or hideout away from the bad guys. 
  155. I love blogging!
  156. I love being a leader
  157.  I love to stay up late
  158. I love to watch the sun rise over the ocean....3 weeks 2 days left....

Well, that's it for now.
Now, I want you to work on your happy list, the list about YOU!
After you listen to my awesome songs here:

Have a great rest of your week!


  1. Oh.my.WOW!! What an amazing list of LOVE. I read each and every one and learned so much about you. How fun! I think most surprising was the tattoos one and second most interesting was that you don't like the Latin Mass (ahem, me neither).
    After doing the facebook 7 days of grateful, I started a simple notebook that most days I try to write two things I was grateful for that day. It turned my perspective around on some of those seemingly simple things or things that would normally go unnoticed. I'll definitely be thinking now on the things I LOVE too. :)

    1. OH, my that Latin Mass thing...partly because of my parents and the SSPX and partly because, ummmm, it's just too long...and my attention is short and I like to know what is being said and not have to follow along....and oh, so many reasons. I am happy for the Novus Ordo (the New Mass) There is a reason The Holy Spirit has allowed it to happen, for people like me.

      Tatts...yes...when we had TV I used to watch those tattoo shows...I think Miami Ink...loved watching why people get them and they were almost always big ones and lots of them, not those whimpy ankle little thingy ones just to get a tattoo.

      OH, I'm going to get in trouble for that aren't I?

      I love that you started a notebook!! Notebooks are cool. My kids want a notebook each for our trip.

  2. Wow! Wow! Wow! The two that stuck out on your list? Your hair!!! Mine started curling after pregnancy hormones and it darkened. Then the tattoos. I just don't like them. They mess up God's already perfect canvas. (ImO) ;)

    Beautiful list, Jamie Jo!!

    1. SO you were originally light like your beautiful daughters? Wow. Hormones. I heard also that if a person was dark haired as a baby and went blonde or lighter, they will go back dark later in life....

      Now, I DID say I have NO desire to ever get a tattoo, I just like them...I think I like the creativity of the artist doing it, I mean it takes amazing talent to do that.

  3. Hey..I made the list! I feel bad because you are such a good friend to me...I am so so embarrassed that I made that stupid jello and gave you wine. I really am a door-knob,clueless,weirdo in that way..AND you still love me!!???!!

    This was a fun read.

    I am very anti-tattoo. I dont like anything unless it is hidden and I cannot see it. I hate piercings also..anywhere...well unless it is hidden. I just cannot imagine what the heck they will look like when they are 85yrs old? I DO love other cultures and their different markings and drawings on themselves. But I am also very very old fashioned. No hipster in me at'tall!

    1. Who cares about the jello? I asked you to bring a fruit salad...green jello with marshmallows in the shape of a cross is kind of a fruit salad, right? I love you no matter what!

      Wow, ANTI tattoo? You dislike them so much to be ANTI? I'm old fashioned and conservative for myself, but I guess I like a little crazy too. It wouldn't bother me if my daughter dyed her hair pink someday.

      Guess I'm a little hipster? Hahahah!

  4. There is serious screaming in the background here right now and I really shouldn't be blog reading but I just wanted to comment on the scripture reading. I highly recommend Song of Songs during Holy Hour. I always stayed away from it for the mushy factor but I've been meditating on it since June (guess I'm a slow learner). First verse...Let Him kiss me with kisses of His mouth...the immensity of God's love is overwhelming. A must read for Adoration!!

    Your country music choices crack me up. My dad was a subscriber to cassette(remember those?) of the month club when I was growing up. We listened to all of that music. All.the.time!! Fabulous memories.

    Dan is so against tattoos I should seriously get one just to watch his expression...NOT!!

    OK I think my biter is back in action...really gotta go

    1. The serious screaming sounds like my house!
      Song of Songs? Can't wait for tonite in the chapel...thank you so much. I know the Psalms is like reading greeting cards...a priest told me that...and I've done that pray to the Holy Spirit and then open and read...but it just seems too random to me.

      OH, I have a lot more country music choices....just had to narrow it, might have to do a separate post highlighting those! Hahah! Your dad was hipper, cassette's were after records.

      Oh, my goodness, you better not tell Dan I like tattoos--it will taint his image of me!! :)

      Give that biter extra kisses for me OK?

  5. Jamie, thanks so much for sharing. I really enjoyed reading your list. Now I feel that I know you a lot better and we have several things in common. Just like you, I love our beautiful Catholic faith, the rosary, mailboxes (snail mail!), chocolate, and Spanish too. I also love to laugh and be silly. My third grade teacher wrote in the comment section of my year end report card how silly I could be sometimes (and yes, I still have that report card. Ha, ha!). I also love to make new friends, but I can be shy in groups especially if I don't know the people very well. By the way, my hair is a lot like yours (I wished for curly hair like my brother and sister all my life, but didn't know my hair was actually curly until I got the right haircut in 2006, which brought out the waves.).

    May God Bless you and your family!

    PS. I also LOVE to write and want to write some Catholic pro-life fiction books. Stay tuned!

    Maria :)

    1. Maria!! You have an awesome personality and I'm sure you are so fun to laugh with !!!

      Fiction? I said I don't like FICTION!!! But I'm sure your books will be awesome and I will promote them!! Good for you!!

      God bless you too!!

  6. Great list! When I first got married, I spent the first few months of our marriage writing things that I loved about my husband. My plan was to read the list whenever I was mad at him. Unfortunately that idea died out after a few fights..

    I love your list and love most of those things too but I gotta tell you that I DO love the Latin Mass! After going to churches with "Christian pop rock", the Latin Mass gave me the respect and reverence that I was yearning for. I just found my soul opening up at the Latin Mass. My brother on the other hand, doesn't like it. So it's all about personal taste I guess.

    And tattoos...well, a little kid once asked a man who "drew all over him" and I haven't been able to get that image out of my head ever since! yes, it looks like someone took a marker and drew all over themselves, lol! But I do love art--just not on people. However, I do love graffiti. I don't like it all over buildings but I have seen some amazing work on brick walls and tunnels. Those people have talent! And I once saw on a show someone hired a graffiti artist to make an amazing picture on their bedroom wall! Love it, so original!

    1. Becky--I've done a February list for my husband, did a deck of cards with things I love about my husband, you know, for Valentine's day...it was fun. That's funny how that idea died out...easy to forget those things when we are mad, that's for sure.

      Yes, I agree, sometimes it is all about personal tastes! We have a weekly Latin Mass through our Diocese, an approved one, it's at our church, but I don't go to it. I don't like the "Christian pop" kind of churches either (I think Christine does) (just teasing Christine!) You know, when I called a woman in the Arizona Catholic homeschool group, she asked me "what kind of Catholic are you?" I was like, "What?" And then we discovered we are about the same....a little of everything, new, old, traditional...it's all about tastes and what fits...finding a church is like that, good thing there are a lot of Catholic churches all over for us to choose from!

      I, like you, like the talent in the Art....tattoos, grafitti...all of it, it's amazing people can be that talented. I, of course don't like graffiti being used to damage property, but like the talent purposely being used for good.

  7. That is so funny because my first thought was "Wow!" and then, coming here to leave a comment because OF COURSE I was reading over at Feedly, I see that everyone's agreed with me.

    You know what that means, don't you? Your readers have impeccable taste.

    Love you. LOVE this list. Makes me want to drive up right now and sit on your porch with an iced diet cola. Except...it's freezing. So: rain check!

    1. And except...I only have 3 weeks and 2 days to get up there! So we'd best get planning.

    2. Make that 3 weeks and ONE day!!!! :)

      The last week I'm not seeing anyone, I'll be packing....and cleaning. (we have someone that will be living here while we are gone!)

      You could come up for some, ummm, Coffee in the kitchen!! Porch is too dang cold now...I miss it. Every time I go out the front, I look at my chairs and kind of feel a little thing in my stomach...a longing in my heart.

  8. I'm much more of a lurker than a commenter, but I loved reading this!

    1. Well, nice to "meet" you Julie!! I'm glad you said hi!!

  9. Wow ~ an amazing list. I LOVE your list! That scripture is on of my favs as well. I also LOVE that notebook ~ where did you get it!?! So cool. Have a great week!

    1. The notebook, was found at Wal-mart!! I snatched it up, even though, I really did not need it! (I'm glad I did)

      That was last Spring though...

  10. I love this, and I love you. :) God bless.


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

Making a Comeback!

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