That was the big thing in the 80's. Big, curly hair.
I'd get a perm and then curl it with a curling iron, see the ringlets?
Well, then, I started having kiddos. Along came the curls.
It's funny reading your comments, because the straight haired people, wish they had curls and the curly hair people wish they had straight hair.
Over a year ago, I decided to embrace my curls and let them be what they are.
I quit straightening them.
I quit complaining about them.
See, my curls are not beautiful, thick curls. They are wavy and get kind of frizzy and fly away.
I do not have thick hair.
I have fine hair and a lot of fine hair.
(does that make sense?)
My husband loves my hair when I straighten it.
He's never said he doesn't like my curls, but he's never said he likes them either.
He has said he loves my hair when I straighten it.
I decided to try straightening my hair Saturday just for fun.
My kiddos were like "Wow, mom, what did you do to your hair?"
My girls were staring at me.
They liked it.
I liked it.
My husband liked it.
to be honest, it's work.
It takes time to straighten, like 15 extra minutes.
Then, if it's raining or humid out, I have to worry about the straightness going out and getting frizzy, like yesterday, I straightened it and it was misting outside, when we came in, it was curly again.
So, I usually just shower and put on a little mascara and liner and I'm off.
Make up, a whole 'nother story.
When I wear make up, people can't tell, but when I don't wear it, I can tell.
Isn't it all about how we feel about ourselves?
I kind of let my hair go.
I don't take the time when maybe I should, for my husband sometimes.
That's what it made me realize.
I need to take that time for him, because I love him.
Really? I feel like a celebrity or something.
Really, I'm not all that.
My hair is not even nice enough for anyone to ask what products I use.
If you are still reading, and still wondering, I use a hair creme after every shower, put it on and leave it on.
It calms the frizz somewhat.
I usually buy Suave, but lately the stores have been out, so I buy whatever I can find under $5
I don't go to salons or buy expensive salon shampoo or conditioner. I go to Sam's Club.
I buy big.
When I straighten, I usually straighten on a non-shower day, it straightens better when it's a day old and after straightening, I use a little wax on just fingered through my hair to calm the fly aways.
That's it folks.
No gels, no special shampoos or anything, just what's cheap and easy.
If I have bangs, it is because I was at a weak moment and having a bad hair day and got carried away, because when I have bangs, I hate them and can't wait for them to grow out.
When they are grown out, I also hate them.
I am a constant work in progress.
Trying to embrace what God has given me.
Bangs or no bangs
Curls or straight.