Sunday, February 1, 2009

Dana-My Favorite Catholic Singer

I love her songs! We have been listening to her songs this afternoon! I have only her old tapes, I have 4 of them. My all time favorite is "Little Baby" where she sings to the baby in her womb. "Little Baby yet unborn, in my womb so safe and warm" "Are you a boy or are you a girl?" You can play the song here. (and many others)
Totus Tuus, another favorite! OK, I have many favorites!
Happy Sunday everyone and Happy first day of February, we are a little closer to Spring!


  1. jaimie, she has such a pretty voice. we have the good morning jesus cd for kids and my little one loves all the songs on it.

  2. I love Dana too - what a beautiful witness of Catholic faith! I came across her new ministry - DS Music - at You can get all her newest stuff there. I still remember seeing her at WYD in Denver - awesome!!!


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