Friday, February 24, 2012


These days taking a shower and getting dressed is a luxury.
I am living in luxury today!!
Not so yesterday
or Monday actually.
When 8pm rolled around and the kiddos were getting ready for bed,
I started to head for the stairs to get ready myself, 
but realized
I already had my pajamas on
from the night before.

What a difference a shower makes in one's self esteem
I feel happy today
The feel happy showered feeling.


  1. You are too funny, Jamie! Glad you are feeling on top of the world today.

  2. Oh my gosh, I am so right there with you! A shower is a huge luxury. Unfortunately, for me, so is lunch most days! And a private trip to the bathroom. But I wouldn't trade it for the world! Most days...haha!

  3. Oh goodness! I know the feeling. My goal most days is to at least be clean and showered by the time my husband gets home from work. I feel like I at least owe him a clean wife after a long day at work, lol!

    Glad you feel clean and happy. =o)

  4. What memories this brings back - I'm so glad you're living in luxury today, and wish you many more such days!

  5. a luxury indeed! but i would live in pj bottoms every day if I could!!

  6. My baby...oh yah...toddler was up from 330 to almost 6am. She does that sometimes. She is the worst sleeper. 6:35 I get up to get my shower in and she woke up also. So in comes tired baby with tired mama.

    There is nothing like a hot shower.

    I always wonder how those "little house on the prairie" people survived.

  7. I'm so glad you got to get one today. Sometimes the simplest of things we learn to take for granted are the most luxurious of things when we get them back. Don't forget to take care of yourself!

  8. You're one busy mama! Enjoy your happy showered day!!

  9. You are a funny girl sometimes Jamie and what you said does bring out the point that we take for granted some of the really simple things that are enjoyable. Hope you have a restful night and an awesome weekend.

  10. I agree...a hot shower and shampoo can do wonders for one's self-esteem!!! :)

  11. Amen!

    “Sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine”. St. Thomas Aquinas

  12. Lol! I really laughed out loud at this one.

  13. Jamie! That post is so true. I know the feeling. Having been homeschooled myself, I know the feeling all too well :) There were days when we didn't get dressed then, and there are still those days now, but for totally different reasons. That third day shower feels amazing! Savor it! :)

  14. By 8:30am I'm home alone with only one child...and I still sometimes don't get a shower until after lunch. Can't quite figure out why....but it's so nice to realize it's not an uncommon situation among moms! :D

  15. It isn't always easy finding that time. I am sure my little bit of time will be gone when twins come into the world.


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