Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Innocence of a Child

 This sweet little toothless 5 year old girl
comes up with the funniest things
like when we do experiments, she calls them "experiences"
When daddy goes fishing,
 she asks "How many feet did the fish have?"
She will tell her side of a story and then get in trouble
 (time out for lying)
and then cry, "I want to tell you the truth"
 over and over...
I'll say "I know the truth."
She will then say, 
"NO!  I want to tell you the other  truth!"

We've been trying to pray the rosary mid morning each day
(we are not doing so hot this week)
When I announce the mysteries, 
I like to quiz the kiddos on some things, 
when we got to the Visitation, 
when Mary visits Elizabeth,
I asked (everyone), 
"Who was in Elizabeth's womb?"
She blurted out
"St John...The Bosco!"
(he's one of our favorite saints)
the answer was St John the Baptist!
 Yesterday, we went through the Stations of the Cross
 and when we got to the 12th station 
 The death of our Lord on the Cross
She really studied the picture...
We then, moved onto the 13th Station, 
Jesus is taken down from the Cross and laid in the arms of His Mother.
She looked again, very seriously at the picture and then said,
 so innocently,

"Why didn't they just take Jesus down before He died?"

Duh, right? 
Well, it sure opens up the conversations on why He chose to die in this way
(for us, He took on the weight of the world, for us!)

I just hope she remembers it.
I love doing the stations with the kids, 
they are so loving and caring.
Sweetie Pie is always looking at the pictures 
and saying, "Oh, poor Jesus"  "Oooh"


  1. A missing tooth! Look how big she is getting. I still remember very vividly looking over at you when you were at "our old church" and seeing you pregnant with her. I remember she had dark hair when she was a baby and oh so CUTE! I couldn't resist her.

    You have such a neat place to hang stations.

  2. So precious. I love the stations going down the stairs. Does doing the stations make your kids think about their own death more? It does mine. My newly 5 year old was a little fearful (of dying himself and what happens after) and we kept it pretty straightforward and simple so by the end he decided that he was "Ok being buried in a "box" because he likes boxes." The things they pick out...

  3. That is a very cute post! I laughed so hard about the "other" truth. I've never heard that before.

    I also love looking at my 5 year old with all his baby teeth. I think I'll cry when that first one comes out. Boo.

  4. Ohhh, how adorable!!! I can just hear her saying those things. So funny- it's good you're keeping an account of them so she can read them when she gets older.

    What would we do without our kids in our lives to bring so much joy?

  5. Adorable! She's a beautiful girl and sounds so sweet. Great idea posting the stations down the stairs! I might steal that idea!

  6. What a beautiful idea to do the stations of the cross at home with the kids! Thanks for sharing. Sheesh, why don't I ever think of these things?

  7. Too funny! A blog is a great place to record these things. Otherwise it's so easy to forget all the cute things they say!

  8. Such a precious age!

    We were watching a crime show once and our son who was at that same age said, "Now why doesn't the camera man put down the stupid camera and go save that girls life?"

  9. Oh my goodness! I just love having conversations with my kids. They say the most amazing and truest things. Seriously. The part about taking Jesus down BEFORE He died, priceless. Keep up the good work, because clearly you are impressing our Faith onto those children. God bless you!

  10. Great idea with the Stations (I guess I'm not the only one that thought that!)

    Way to go recording all those little quips! We forget them too easily, huh?

  11. That is the sweetest thing ever, brought tears to my eyes. I wish we could have just taken Him down before He had to die, but God's plan was better!

  12. Found my way here after seeing your comment on Colleen's blog. I'm already inspired by it. Looking forward to reading more.~Kathleen

  13. We did the stations up the stairs (and around since we have a split level) too--last year. Haven't done it so much this year but it's really instilled a love for the Way of the Cross for my almost 8 year old. For Lent, we go to the living stations every Friday at church.

    I love the stations of the cross, have done them every Friday since my dad died.

  14. She is so very precious and I love to read her responses the way she chooses words. Maybe you should have a blog for each one of them and their unique characteristics. Something to think about.
    Have a great weekend. 2 hours & 50 minutes left in my office machine career this friday afternoon.

  15. How sweet Jamie! Your daughter has a tender heart for Jesus! You're doing a great job raising your children in the faith! If you're interested, Jennifer from Crafolic is hosting a giveaway on my blog for a game she created called Journey's End. It's a great way to teach about sin, grace, and confession.

  16. the other truth --- too cute! I so love hearing little ones make observations, like your daughter's. And i love your stations of the cross going up the stairs ()and how perfect that you put little crosses under all the pictures). I've been wanting to do this, and couldn't think which wall to put it all on, becuase we don't have such wall space to cover all 14 stations. now I know where! up the stairs, of course. thanks for sharing your little girlie with us, and your Lenten practices. (Saint John the Bosco made me laugh out loud),

  17. Oh, I can SO relate with my own little 4 yo:) I love it! It's great that you write them down:). I really like how you do the quizzing in between decades... That inspires me to try it out! I've set up those same posters on the stairs before too. I need to pull them back out. We have been able to attend our parish Stations but I still like the visual reminder like you have. Real quick, my 4yo said to my husband the other day: "I'm like your Mommy because you listen to me!". We cracked up! Guess who has Daddy wrapped around her finger?? Thanks for the great post... You're such a good Mama!


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